Home Style 2 – Sonora Bariatrics

  • Nutrición Bariátrica, Medicina Metabólica y Psicología Bariátrica

    Ofrecemos un cambio de vida integral. Nuestros especialistas en nutrición y psicología te guiarán para obtener nuevos hábitos alimenticios y te proveerán ayuda psicológica, promoviendo un cambio de adentro hacia a afuera.
  • Cirugía de Obesidad

    Contamos con el mejor equipo de cirujanos y anestesiólogos para garantizar tu seguridad y una serie de procedimientos quirúrgicos para ayudarte a bajar de peso.
  • Horario

    • Lunes - Viernes
      Corrido: 9:00 am - 9:00 pm
    • Sábado
      9:00am - 2:00pm

    Te ayudaremos a controlar padecimientos como diabetes e hipertensión arterial, para evitar sus complicaciones, mejorando tu calidad de vida.

We Value Your Family's
Health and Your Time

Welcome to Medicenter a full-service diagnostic center and medical care clinic located on the north side of Chicago in the historic neighborhood. We provide fast effective and affordable treatment for non-life threatening illnesses and injuries that need attention right away by certified specialists.



      La manga gástrica ayuda a disminuir la superficie del estómago hasta en un 70%, quedando aproximadamente del tamaño de una pelota de tenis o de un plátano



      Se deja un pequeño estómago que se conecta directamente al intestino delgado. La comida salta un gran segmento de intestino delgado disminuyendo la absorción calórica y de nutrientes.



      Consiste en cortar una porción del estómago, y además se realiza un bypass con una sola unión. Es una de las cirugías más efectiva contra la diabetes, hipertensión y dislipidemias

Why Choose Us

It is the people who make Medicenter what it is and we are extremely proud of the archievements of our
staff. We all work together to help our patients through recovery, providing the best possible care.

  • Generics strategies

    Donec ipsum diam, pretium mollis dapibus risus. Nullam dolor nibh pulvinar at interdum eget.

  • Medicina Interna (pre)

    El Médico Internista valora por medio de exámenes de sangre, rayos X y electrocardiograma para descartar enfermedades previas.

  • Wound healing genes

    Donec ipsum diam, pretium mollis dapibus risus. Nullam dolor nibh pulvinar at interdum eget.

  • Springtime allergies

    Donec ipsum diam, pretium mollis dapibus risus. Nullam dolor nibh pulvinar at interdum eget.

  • Studies of genetic

    Donec ipsum diam, pretium mollis dapibus risus. Nullam dolor nibh pulvinar at interdum eget.

  • Artriosis

    Un peso mayor agrega estrés a las articulaciones que soportan peso, como las caderas y las rodillas. Además, el tejido graso produce proteínas que pueden causar inflamación en las articulaciones y alrededor de estas.

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  • Primary Health Care

    Primary Health Care

    Mauris adisciping fringila turpis intend tellus ornare etos pelim. Pulvunar est cardio neque vitae elit. Lorem vulputat paentra.

  • Pediatric Clinic

    Pediatric Clinic

    Mauris adisciping fringila turpis intend tellus ornare etos pelim. Pulvunar est cardio neque vitae elit. Lorem vulputat paentra nunc gravida.

  • Outpatient Surgery

    Outpatient Surgery

    Mauris adisciping fringila turpis intend tellus ornare etos pelim. Pulvunar est cardio neque vitae elit. Lorem vulputat paentra.

  • Gynaecological Clinic

    Gynaecological Clinic

    Mauris adisciping fringila turpis intend tellus ornare etos pelim. Pulvunar est cardio neque vitae elit. Lorem vulputat paentra.

  • Cardiac Clinic

    Cardiac Clinic

    Mauris adisciping fringila turpis intend tellus ornare etos pelim. Pulvunar est cardio neque vitae elit. Lorem vulputat paentra.

  • Laryngological Clinic

    Laryngological Clinic

    Mauris adisciping fringila turpis intend tellus ornare etos pelim. Pulvunar est cardio neque vitae elit. Lorem vulputat paentra.

  • Ophthalmology Clinic

    Ophthalmology Clinic

    Mauris adisciping fringila turpis intend tellus ornare etos pelim. Pulvunar est cardio neque vitae elit. Lorem vulputat paentra.

  • Dental Clinic

    Dental Clinic

    Mauris adisciping fringila turpis intend tellus ornare etos pelim. Pulvunar est cardio neque vitae elit. Lorem vulputat paentra.

  • Outpatient Rehabilitation

    Outpatient Rehabilitation

    Mauris adisciping fringila turpis intend tellus ornare etos pelim. Pulvunar est cardio neque vitae elit. Lorem vulputat paentra.

Family Birth Center

Leading Edge Care for Mom and Baby

The Family Birth Center at Medicenter is a unique, full-service facility offering moms-to-be leading edge care in a comfortable, nurturing setting. We offer care through delivery and post-natal treatment to ensure you a happy and the best possible birthing experience.

Remember the stay well 92%
Rate the kitchen well 85%
Benefited from classes 65%

Learn why is it worth it

Medicenter Immediate Care Facilities Provide Quick Care and Relief

No appointment needed, most patients are seen, treated and released in about 60 minutes. Certified and experienced MD physicians not nurses and on site diagnostic tests with lab.

  • Colonoscopy
  • Gastroscopy
  • Allergy Testing
  • CT Scan
  • Colonoscopy
  • Gastroscopy
  • Allergy Testing
  • CT Scan

Meet the Team

Is it the people who make Medicenter what it is and we are extremely proud of the achievements of our
staff. We all work together to help our patients through recovery, providing the best possible care.

Do you like what you see?PURCHASE THEME

Medical Walk-in Process

No Appointment Needed

An appointment is not required in order to receive care. For this reason, patients do not have to plan out when they can come in. Simply walk in and you’ll be seen.

Licensed Professionals

Urgent care physicians and nurses offer high-quality care. They are licensed and recognized as reputable members of the healthcare industry.

Cost Effective

The cost of seeing a physician at a medical immediate care facility will be much more affordable than seeing a physician in an emergency room.

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  • Donec fermentum porttitor nunc amet gravida?

    • Hipertensión

      Mejora niveles o elimina la presión alta.

    • Stomach disorders

      Donec ipsum diam, pretium mollis dapibus risus. Nullam dolor nibh pulvinar at interdum eget, suscipit id felis. Pellentesque est faucibus tincidunt risus.

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  • Donec pulvinar lectus quis laoreet vestibulum?

Rehabilitation and Therapy

Surgery or injury can take you out of action. Rehabilitation services at Medicenter can help relieve your pain and increase your strength and flexibility.

Staffed by highly trained and skilled professionals, Medicenter’s rehabilitation services span the treatment continuum. We carry out rehabilitation in both chronic and stress-induced conditions of motor organs, after operations and injuries. Our goal is to help restore your best possible quality of life.